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Writer's pictureemilyreneehopf

Interview with Oli

Over the course of the semester, I have had the pleasure of becoming good friends with my flatmate Olga. She is an incredibly sweet 24 year old student who is also studying abroad this semester, from the Czech Republic. As the end of the semester is quickly approaching, I do not want to miss the chance to introduce some of the great people I have met, so other people can hear about studying abroad from their perspectives too.

To start, could you talk a bit about your background? Where are you from, what are you studying? Olga, we're basically speed dating.

"Ooo, so do I only have 5 minutes then? Ok, so I was born in Argentina, my parents were King and Queen at the time by the way. No wait, don't interrupt me, I'm telling you a story. You're gonna cry in a second. There was a revolution at the time, so my parents had to give me up to keep me safe. They put me in a tiny spaceship" ...

(Her 'story' went on for way longer than 5 minutes, and according to Olga was "WAY TOO EPIC" so I will skip ahead to the real answer.)

"I was born in Ukraine, and my parents and I moved to Czech Republic when I was 8. We live in Prague, no wait. We lived in Kladno first and then moved to Prague. Kladno, and then Prague. That's important - Kladno is a very pretty city, that does not get enough recognition. It has its very own aquapark, a two bears live in a public garden (legend has it that a circus came to the city and they left the bears because they were sick, so the people who lived in the city took care of them).

What do I study? I'm not sure what I study. I do all kinds of stuff. I have a bachelor's in finance and accounting. Now I study business administration and psychology for my master's degree. OH! I am also participating in the Honors Academia high-level education and training program. hashtag YOLO."

Okay, next question: what inspired you to study abroad? Was this a spontaneous decision or had you planned on it for awhile?

"What inspired me? Whiskey. Seriously. Also, I wanted to learn to live alone. When I was going through universities in Scotland, this was the only one available for the program."

Why did you choose to study abroad in Scotland? Did you consider any other countries?

"Well... 1. The accent is very sexy and 2. Whiskey."

What has been your biggest challenge this semester?

"I am the kind of person who enjoys really getting to know people.. deep conversations as opposed to shallow small talk and all that stuff. I had to learn pretty quickly that I can not make a deep connection with every interesting person I meet , because the amount of acquaintances I have made here is enormous and the time is very limited."

How does the University of Stirling compare to your home university?

"Oh Scotland makes my university look terrible. Mainly sport facilities. At home they are basically non-existent, whereas here you can do all kinds of sports to your hearts content. The quality of education is much higher here and teachers seem to actually ENJOY teaching. This is anonymous right? I don't want to get kicked out of my uni for saying bad things about it. #LoveMyUniToo #YOLO. "

No Olga, this isn't anonymous but you haven't said the name of your home university so I am sure you'll be fine. How have you made the most out of this experience?

"F***. Well I have joined the archery, kayaking, and fencing clubs so I am very busy. And I have been very social all semester. One thing I am really thankful for is meeting all the amazing people from all over the world, that I am now happy to call my friends."

Out of all the adventures you have had, what has been your favorite memory that you will take away from these past few months?

"I love those tiny moments, that make you feel alive and loved. Like the other night in our friends' flat, Per was scratching my left arm - and that felt like home - and Morgane was scratching my right arm - and that felt like heaven. It gave me a great sense of belonging. F*** I'm gonna miss everyone so much. #DontStartCryingNowOli

Also every kayak trip that I took. Kayaking down Highland rivers I got the most beautiful views of Highlands, amazing sunsets, breathtaking mountains. I also slid down a f***ing huge cliff in my kayak and didn't even get a heart attack while doing it. I learned to do the Eskimo roll in my kayak and got certified for completing a kayak rescue training program"

Which Scottish city (or other location) have you most enjoyed exploring?

"Callander definitely. I was there last weekend for a kayaking trip and we walked around before going on the river. I was very nervous and scared before entering the river and the spirit of the town was calming. The city I have enjoyed most is Stirling, probably because that is where I have spent the most time walking around."

Do you plan on returning to Scotland someday?


Would that be for study, work, or vacation?

"#1 and #3. I am thinking of coming back to University of Stirling to study for my PhD. I will be coming back to visit friends as well. I've been working for about 13 weeks now to make friends who will host me on holiday. So hopefully all of that pays off. #LoveYouGuys"

Okay, last question. Do you have any photos from this semester you'd like to share, so I can add them to this post?

For more of olga's photos (& kayaking videos!) check out her Instagram - @Ostruzinka3

Many thanks to Oli for being such an enthusiastic participant! She is just one of the incredible people I have gotten to know closely, so if you would like to hear from others, let me know by commenting on my Facebook page Emily Abroad or on my Instagram.


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